For those who are just beginning in this world of total weight, here they leave the meaning of some things for you to go deeper into the ptc's.
PTC Aurora: A website to make money making clicks, but generally pays little clicks, some go up to pay $ 0,005, but few paid it, they usually pay up to $ 0.0025. They are the hardest because they offer little money for your clicks are sustainable. In all ptc auroras can not only make money with Paid to Click System, unless there is also the Paid to Read, which is almost the same as Paid to Click. Paid to SingUp they pay you for registering at other websites. And some Paid to Promote, that pays you to the people who visit the site under your link (no registration required). It also has the Traffic Exchange system is for webmasters who want to get visits to your site, is to visit other web, and in return receive visits to your site. Among the best known are auroras Clicksia, Incentria, Paid to Click and others.
PTC Bux: These ptc's are offering more money for your clicks, from $ 0.0025 to $ 0.01, which exceeds the $ 0.01 for your clicks, are unreliable. These ptc's are the least nearly last, just some last a long time, even there are some who still online a long time. These are the ptc's that most people prefer because arto payable by your clicks are more conspicuous. There is a server called BuxHost which is where staying bux ptc's, which are the least since they last for only $ 25 and generally believe most do not last more than 1 month and stop paying. Among the bux are more reliable and PalmBux NeoBux, and others that are just beginning to look reliable are DevBux, IronBux, UfoBux and others.
PTR Paid to read: In these types of websites, make money with your email. You get your e-mails in which is a link that you must visit for some time. Like auroras, the PTR low paying, and therefore are reliable and durable. They also come with other ways to make money, as the Paid to Click, Paid to SingUp and, although the main one is read mail. Among the PTR OrangeBizs are reliable, YviMails, ChampionsMails, and perhaps all there.