Some time ago I told about SurfPTC, a ptc with very low minimum payment.

And today I'm going back to talk about it.

I'll start by telling you who makes good money in this ptc dawn. As everyone will know in the aurora ptc earn less than in the ptc bux. But here, you get the same thing in a ptc bux.

In this ptc took 3 days and I've been clicking $ 0,136 in my balance, whereas in three days genre NeoBux $ 0.12. NeoBux And I can charge $ 2, but the recovery SurfPTC to reach $ 0.50.

Also in this ptc make money with Paid to Click, Paid to Read Ads Paid to Read Emails and Ads.

Some of this ptc ads do not give you money, but you get points. And the points can be converted into cash, with the option Converter.

Here were no longer a point equivalent in money.

1 point = $ 0.0001
10 points = $ 0,001
100 points = $ 0.01
1000 points = $ 0.10
10,000 points = $ 1.00

Well you can make money also recorded on other sites in the Paid to Signup section.

For this section webmaster Click Exchange, you can earn visits by visiting other sites. Your visits another site and you win a visit to your site.

But before you add your website on the Manage Ads section, then go to Click Exchange Sites. And to start making visits must go to Click Exchange in the area of making money.

Well it would be just that, pear SurfPTC register and start earning money to go to this link
